What Is Manic Metallic?

Manic Metallic logo; © Manic Metallic According to our publication's About page, Manic Metallic is: "a fashion publication that aims, first and foremost, to critique fashion as an art and respect it as a discipline. We take fashion seriously, yet we allow for fun to be had within that seriousness. We want to bring…

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Où Sont Les Femmes?

Where Are The Women? Regina Relang photography, 1956; photo c/o Pinterest In an earlier article, we'd referred to the fact that fashion designers receiving great amounts of attention and accolades in the industry are overwhelmingly male - despite this being an industry whose customer base is predominantly female. We'd like to build on that…

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Can We Please Stop Saying That New York City Is Dead?

A view of the Empire State Building, from 5th Avenue; © Manic Metallic 2020 Surely, you've seen the articles. The ones that proclaim that New York is dead forever, like this unfortunate piece by author and entrepreneur James Altucher. The question has seeped into every news source, every social media platform - and many…

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Why Do You Enjoy Fashion?

It's a simple question to ask - almost deceptively so. For some people, asking why they enjoy fashion is like asking them why they breathe. They were born wearing Yves Saint Laurent, their milk was Lanvin, and their first word was McQueen. They dressed their dolls in spare fabric that they salvaged from some…

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How Does One Carry Out A Virtual Photoshoot?

Quarantines imposed around the world due to coronavirus are beginning to lift, but the move to get back to pre-COVID levels of work and communication is sure to be a measured process. One thing that we've wondered during this quarantine is this: how is it that brands and photographers are carrying out these so-called…

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Let’s Talk About Fashion’s Race Problem

Photo: Misha Collection, Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia 2017 The fashion industry has a problem with race. This statement surprises no one, as it is one of the most obvious statements in the history of obvious statements. But in light of a renewed determination around the globe to revisit the narrative of issues pertaining…

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Americans and Nudity: It’s Complicated

Kate Moss & Mark Wahlberg for Calvin Klein Nudity, by definition, is the absence of clothing on the human body. So, what does nudity have to do with fashion? And wouldn't it seem that the success of nudity as an accepted concept in the public sphere leaves no room for the success of an…

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Why Are Fashion Icons With Stylists Considered En Vogue?

Icon (n): "A person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration." To answer this question, we have to first understand what an icon is. To paraphrase the definition stated above, an icon is 'a person or thing regarded as symbolically worthy of adoration.' A fashion icon, then, could be…

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